Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Salmon, green bean and lemon risotto.

Hello there blog land!
Today was a laid back day. Full of a morning horseback riding lesson, errands, stuffing wedding invitations--for my sister not me--cooking and a movie night (Fright Night was the movie of choice....I love me some David Tennant).
Bit of information: I do horseback ride--hunter jumper/ English to be exact. I have for the past nine years or so. Also, I have owned my first horse now for what will be the fourth year this winter. I will be sure to post about this at a later date.
Anyways, I thought I would share my mouth-watering dinner I prepared for my mom and I tonight.
It was inspired by a dish I had at Houlihan's with my family the other night. It was possibly one of the best meals I have had in a very long time. It was the seared scallops over risotto and asparagus, drizzled with lemon, olive oil and vinegar topped with crispy spinach. I thought I would go on the lighter side and do my take on this. I know you're thinking, "Risotto is not exactly on the light side!" However,  Houlihan's had the smallest amount of risotto on the plate...remember readers, everything is good in moderation!
I did find a website that had their recipe closest to the dish but I ended up following the recipe on the box of risotto then added in what the blog suggested.
Link to this lovely blog: click
I would advise if you are interested in this recipe to follow hers because of how off track I went. I am also a "grasshopper"--if you will-- about cooking. This summer I just started experimenting and following recipes closely. I have never, ever, ever, been the best at cooking. I used to mess up recipes for icing for crying out loud! 
Waiting for the risotto, onions & green beans to cook!
This entirely took me around 45 minutes to make. It took a very long time, as it usually does, to cook the risotto. I was cooking it on the lowest heat possible because of my history in burning everything. Practice makes perfect!
Salmon and lemons awaiting the oven.
Lemons were drizzled on top of course!
I can honestly say that this dish completed was de-li-cious! It was well worth the wait and I gobbled it up way too quickly! I did portion the risotto so the veggies and the fish outweighed the rice. But if you are not trying to eat as light as I am then dive right in and I encourage you to do so!
Dish plated. Devoured minutes later.
Alright, I am off to finish watching Fright Night! If you have the time please comment below, I'd love to hear from you! Hope you all have a wonderful evening and I will talk to you later.


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